Saddex Eredményei
1. hely: |
2. hely: |
3. hely: |
Egyéb hely: |'s Challenge Day/Galopp/ *ABSZOLÚT GYŐZTES Literature Competition/Küllem/Kanca Literature Galopp Competition/Középtáv/Kanca Literature Galopp Competition/Középtáv/Kancák-Mének
-Reopening Grand Tour Competitions (galopp,kanca kat.) Stílusverseny/Galopp |
-1st Clover Appearance (kancák kat.) |
-5.hely: Benigma Fajtakategóriás Küllem (angol t. kat. - 1.csoport)
-5.hely: Day [Long Distance Cup 3200m]
- 6.hely: Reopen Cup (galopp kat.)
-6.hely: Day in Kentucky/[középtáv]
-5. hely: Sprint [1000m]
-5. hely: Handicap/3 year-old
-chevaldecourse/Foggy Days Galopp Race/Középtáv |
Minősítések: 4xELITE, 2xGREAT, GOOD, Elite Horse in I. Literature Competition, 2x Elite Horse in I. Literature Galopp Competition, Cheval Horse, Absolute Winner, SA Winner, Best, Queen of Galopp, Great Horse in Benigma, Participant in Reopen Cup, 2xNICE, Nice Horse in CloverSands, 6th Placed Horse in Galopp Day in Kentucky, Stylish Horse, 1st Placed Horse of I. Literature Competition, 2x1st Placed Horse of I. Literature Galopp Competition